Travaux agricoles et vie rurale

Weitere Titel: Agricultural Work and Rural Life
Genre: Documentary
Jahr: 1920? ?
Dauer: 00:10:22
Beschreibung: Scenes of rural life in Picardie at the beginning of the century: the destruction of shells in open fields, sowing, plowing with a multifurrow plow, harvesting with a sickle, a graduation ceremony, the exhibition and sale of agricultural equipment, harvesting beets, a sugar refinery.
Schlüsselwörter: World War, 1914-1918 -- France / World War, 1914-1918 -- United States / Agriculture / Rural conditions / EFG1914 / World War I / Picardie; Ruralité; Travail agricole
Anbieter: Centre nationale du cinéma et de l’image animée
Rechte: In Copyright / Musée franco-américain du Château de Blérancourt
Farbe: Black & White
Regie: unknown
Ton: Without sound
Sammlung: Musée franco-américain du Château de Blérancourt